Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Promethean Board

Once upon a time, teachers in the land of my school were supposed to get a Promethean Board installed over the summer. What is a Promethean Board you ask?  It is an interactive white board that makes you look like the most technologically advanced teacher on this planet. Click here. It is way cooler than a chalk board (what's that anyways?) or white board. 

By fall we still didn't have our boards. Then after many delays we were told to prepare.  Our boards would be installed over Winter Break. Teachers probably ran into the school excited to see their Promethean Board installed after months and months of waiting (I know I did)...
hmmm I thought it was supposed to be a white board, not purple

oh wait! Here it is! sitting outside my classroom...I guess that's progress, they were sitting down at the other end of the school for a good month 

I wonder how long those boxes are going to sit there...maybe my students should color on them so they can become hallway artwork.  

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