Saturday, December 5, 2009

In Remembrance

A special day to remember Martin's dad.  Everyday I see some of John in Martin...the way he walks, talks, so many things about his personality...they are truly a gift from his dad.   It's comforting to know the people we loved the most are still with us in so many ways.

The past three years Martin has been the proud owner of his dad's BMW.  Whenever Martin is driving the car he can't help but smile.  Even when times were financially hard, it was out of the question for us to sell the car.  I remember in high school, John told Martin and I that Martin was not to use the BMW to teach me how to drive stick...and boy has Martin stuck by that promise!

But what I remember the most is John telling me that I needed to always take good care of his son...and that is a promise I intend to keep.

     The Wolfe Family~ Thanksgiving 2006

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