Friday, November 13, 2009


I know it's a little silly to celebrate anniversaries by month, but yesterday was my four month wedding anniversary.

We met in the high school orchestra.  I remember him as the boy who was always late for class.  The box of Junior Mints at the Candy Shack apparently always had his name on it.  Other than that, I had no idea who he was or what his name was.   I think it was probably the day when Martin ate a moth...or wait was it ants? that we really started talking.   We became instant friends.  Best Friends.   He was a little quirky (unless eating moths is normal...please tell me it's normal), but there was just something about him that I knew I couldn't live without.   He treated me like I was the most special person on this earth.  I know it sounds impossible, but I really knew from the moment we became friends that we would be together forever.  And look! Here we are seven years later, married!

So here's to high school sweetheart.  I'm so glad I get to spend my life with you, even if you do eat bugs ;)

Prom 2003