Saturday, May 26, 2012


I told Martin I needed to pick out a new shade of nail polish to celebrate the end of the school year.  He didn't understand.  I remember when we were little and my mom would let us pick something special out at the drug store when we were celebrating a special occasion, like not crying when we got our yearly shots at the doctors. I'd say surviving this school year allows me to pick out every shade of nail polish in the store...but I settled on neon pink.  

The past two days have been so relaxing. My pace is much slower these days, but it's felt good cleaning the apartment and slowly getting things ready for the little one.  My feet are enjoying my afternoon naps and I think my ankles are starting to make an appearance again. 


  1. That is so sweet. I feel relaxed just reading this post. BUT I still have 2 weeks, assessments, and report cards looming overhead. I can't wait to feel that summer relaxation. You have definitely earned it.

    1. Meghan I hope your 2 weeks fly by so you can start enjoying your summer!!

  2. how sweet! My Mom used to take us to get something after each school year too.. I'm impressed that you were able to reach your toes!! Do y'all have the nursery ready to go?

    1. haha it was quite entertaining to paint my toes and involved a horrible foot cramp! Our baby corner is slowly but surly coming together!

  3. Did Martin learn to paint toe nails yet?!
