Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer Salad and Thank You Readers

First and most importantly, thank you everyone for your kind words yesterday. It means the world to me.  I still can't believe that so many of you want to read what I have to say and I really am honored-- please say hi, even if you follow quietly along I would love to hear from can tell me your favorite color or favorite Cher song (come on now, we all have a favorite) Thank you truly for reading along with me.

And now for a tasty summer treat.

This is probably not a salad you should eat on a first date...poppy seeds, sesame seeds and strawberries don't tend to look that great stuck between your teeth when you're trying to make a good first impression.  But for every other day, especially a warm sunny summer day, this is the perfect salad.

{My salad doesn't have spinach in it because my husband who we will now refer to as Pop Eye ate a 100 pound Costco sized container of it before I could take my pictures}


  1. Oh my, that was a lot of spinach to eat. Can't wait to try the recipe.

  2. This is a great summer salad. I think we'll have it for dinner tonight.
