Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today was the first day of school.
When I walked outside to my car this morning it even smelled like the first day of school. Can you remember what that smells like?  My husband thinks I'm a little strange when out of the blue I'll say, "It smells like school outside."
The air was a little cooler...a little crisper.  Like fall wasn't too far away. (Even though it is :)
Everyone was in new clothes.
The kids shoes were bright with no scuff marks.
Their shirts and pants had newly bought creases in them still.
As the kids got off the bus it wasn't the usual yelling and screaming.
They were quieter, anticipating the new school year...if their teacher was going to be nice, if they would see their friends from last year.
Everyone is on their best behavior.
This may change tomorrow, but I love holding onto what the first day of school is..
It's so full of nostalgia, opportunity and promise.
Anything can happen.
We started screening our Kindergarteners today.  They will start next week.
They are so little and very excited about starting school.
Some of them even dressed up in their Sunday best to come to their screening today.
We don't get very much information out of our testing.  The students are nervous and shy.
Me: Can you tell me what letter this is?
Student: Huge Smile
Me: Is it the letter O?
Student: Huge Smile

Me: What letter is this?
Student: Oh! That's a stick with a head on ...and that one is a man with arms.
Me: Ooooh
Mostly they were concerned that there were no fish in the fish tank. 
"What happened to all the fish? Did they all DIE!? "

It's been a good day.  Tomorrow I will meet five more of my little friends.
And next Wednesday will be my first day of school. 
Can't wait!


  1. I am *envious* that you have 5 days to screen. We only have 3 half-days......and we have to do all 27 students during those half-days, and teach the other half of the day. It's SO nice that you have plenty of time to sit down with the newbies!! -Eve

  2. Oh my gosh! How do you get it all done? It's been nice having some time...and that way the first day of school everyone's a little more prepared! Good luck!!
