Monday, June 18, 2012

A Water Date and 9 months

Our sweet baby girl will be here before we know it. She really could come at any time now, but she can stay with me for a few more weeks if she wants to :) Martin and I have been enjoying so much more time together now that he has a new job with much, much better hours. I feel very spoiled getting to see my husband during daylight hours and soon his little girl will be spoiled getting to spend time with her daddy too.  
Martin and I enjoyed a little date to the aquarium on his day off this week. I'm not sure if my swollen feet appreciated all the walking, but it was nice to get out of the house and away from the 100 degree heat for an hour or so.  We meandered in and out of wild, screaming children and both gave each other that silent look of, "Our child will never act like that" and then quickly realized that our lives are about to resemble those around us faster than we think. (...but seriously, our child will still never act like that ;)
I'm so grateful that during this last part of my pregnancy Martin has been able to be home more.  He has been so supportive, reading and researching how to be the best birth partner for me, giving me foot massages nightly, and saying sweet words when I start crying because I feel out of sorts in this body of mine.
We finished our natural birth classes this past weekend and I don't know if I would be able to do all of this without him.  I know he will be incredible during my labor and delivery and every time I think of him holding his daughter for the first time my heart swells with happiness.