Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm Going To Be A Mama

First off, thank you all so much for your kind comments! It was such an exciting day telling everyone about our little surprise! 

I think I'm still in awe that this is all happening. I am amazed everyday that God has given us this amazing miracle inside of me.  I walk around most days starring at my belly that is growing rounder everyday and daydream about the day when we will finally meet our little one. 

These past three months have been more than challenging for me. All day nausea is hard to handle when you teach kindergarten...  I'm not sure I really remember much from the last three months because I slept through most of it :) But now with the start of the second trimester I am feeling better everyday and feel like I can actually start to think about what all these changes are about to bring.  Every night before I go to bed I take some time to breathe deeply and give myself a few moments to soak all of this wonderfulness in.  Because even with the uncomfortable aches and sickness I want to remember this time--because it truly is amazing.
Martin and I found out that we were going to be parents very early just three weeks.  On Halloween to be exact. Although we knew someday we wanted a baby to join our family, the news came as quite a surprise and I think the first few weeks were filled with overcoming our shock and calming our fears. I knew the shock was gone when I came home from work and saw the table covered in baby books from the library. I knew right then that Martin was ready to dive into this new adventure with everything he has.
It was strange keeping such a big secret from those around me. Everywhere I went I wanted everyone around me to know that I was pregnant--that I was going to be a mama! When I pumped gas or walked the aisles of the grocery store I loved knowing that I wasn't exactly alone anymore. But we wanted to wait to tell our friends until we knew that things were progressing smoothly.  When we went for our ultrasound at 9 weeks I was nervous. Martin stood by my side and held my hand as we watched the monitor and right away we saw our little one. Dancing away. I was so overcome with emotion knowing that that was our baby.
Now we are just excited to keep watching our baby grow bigger and stronger everyday...staying safe inside of me for now. 

Thank you for reading along with me. I am thrilled to share this journey with everyone.


  1. How amazing! So happy for you and Martin. Can't wait to read about this incredible journey. And how lucky is your family for having an amazing photographer to document special occasions! ;p

  2. It will be wonderful story to watch unfold.

  3. I'm glad you'll be here with me while it does :)

  4. Hooray! Congrats I'm so happy for you!!! Being a mom is amazing..

  5. Well, it really makes sense now, you talking about your relationship and how it started and grew. :) You're going to have a family! Congratulations, and I'm happy for the joy that you and your husband can now share! I couldn't imagine keeping that news a secret for so long, but I understand why. Again, congratulations! It will be nice to see how you grow, literally and figuratively. :)

  6. Congratulations! I know how trying it can be to teach kindergarten amidst the first trimester yuckies. Hang in there! And don't be afraid to come home and crash on the couch!

  7. Ahhh congratulations to you!! I can't wait to follow your journey :) Having a baby is THE best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm sure it'll be for you too :)

  8. YIPPEE!!! I cant wait to be an auntie:)- Caitlin

  9. Thank you everyone!! :)
    Caitlin-you're going to be the BEST auntie! :)

  10. i know how hard teaching kindergarten is while pregnant! it's exhausting, so cut yourself slack where you can. you are looking lovely!

  11. Oh Jessica!!! Hooray. I am just catching up with all of these posts. What joy! And I can't imagine being so sick and teaching. How in the world did you do it? I am giving thanks that Donovan was easy on me and praying that if God ever blesses us with more, it'll be the same way. Teaching is probably the hardest job ever for morning sickness. Can't wait to read on as you guys anticipate your little one's arrival!
