We spent Saturday afternoon at Jerusalem Restaurant studying for Martin's final exam. Martin enjoyed a taste of his childhood while I enjoyed the baklava. I think the last time I studied for a test was four years ago...it's hard to get back into that mind set. But Martin will do amazing and then in a few short weeks he'll be enjoying his studies in Europe, learning first hand from the finest chefs in Italy and France. If my Italian grandma were still alive I can just picture the two of them cooking up a feast in the kitchen together.
I can't wait for him to come back and tell me everything he saw, smelled, and tasted. Martin has a world traveler gene in him...I'll probably get a phone call from Italy saying I need to pack up our apartment and paddle across the ocean to join him :)
I can't believe his program is almost finished. When we look back on our lives 8 months ago things looked a little bleak. It's amazing how this opportunity presented itself to Martin. He is one lucky guy to be fulfilling his dream everyday, this is exactly what he's supposed to be doing. You can see it in his face, hear it in his voice.
Martin, Sono fiero di te e ti amo
(I hope you've been practicing your Italiano :)
We're proud of Martin too. If you move to Italy we'd certainly come to visit.