Tuesday, November 9, 2010

*First Snow*

(Kate 2005)

Well, it's finally here...snow that is. 
I was enjoying the 75 degree weather and not complaining one bit because I knew what was coming.
It's November 9th, usually we've had a few blizzards by now.
Tomorrow I'll read the snow poem to my students that my mom would say to me and my sisters when we were little.  We always knew there was a fresh layer of snow on the ground when she woke us up saying....

It snowed last night
It snowed last night
The snow bears had a pillow fight
They tore up all the clouds in sight
And threw them down as snowflakes light

 There are so many things I really hate about Colorado winters...I was talking to my sister, Kate, and I'm pretty sure she's still wearing her summer clothes and sweating to death in the Florida sun...but there's also nothing like a cozy snowy evening with no where to go.  

I just might have to put on my Christmas music...okay Martin?

1 comment :

  1. I sure didn't like seeing the snow when we flew in this morning. The ground was covered. Oh, well. It was bound to happen sooner or later.
