Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love #1

I love to clean.
Here's just how much...
When I was little I would get up in the middle of the night to clean my room and when I was old enough I would volunteer to vacuum.
I remember telling my mom that I wanted to be a maid when I grew up. 

My twin sister, Kate, is the complete opposite.
When we were in college I would drive down to Boulder to visit, she would be in class and I would surprise her by cleaning her entire room...I can picture in 60 years visiting her in the retirement community cleaning her condo. 

I don't mind it at all.

When everything is clean...everything feels right in my world

I think I married the perfect man because he likes everything to be squeaky clean too. I think he was the only college student to clean the baseboards in his dorm room...a guy after my own heart. 

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