Sunday, February 24, 2013

seven months

7 months. I can't believe it. Just five short months away from a year old.  

This month has brought on baby proofing! You are quickly pulling yourself around the floor, trying to catch the cats, and ending up under chairs :) You've got a little mind of your own and are making it very very hard for anyone to change your diaper or get you dressed...I can just hear your little voice, "I have NO time for being on my back! I have cats to see and places to go!" 
We love you sweet sweet baby Everdeen! You fill our hearts with so much joy, we truly are the luckiest parents in the whole world. 


  1. She always looks so playful! And she always has a smile on her face. I don't doubt she has her moments of tears and cries as well, but she looks like such a happy, playful child. It sounds like she'll be getting into some mischief now. :)

    1. Haha she is already getting into mischief! I turned around the other day and she had pulled half the leaves off the plant oops! :)

  2. Wow- love your pictures once again! Can we play soon? Cedric misses his friend!

  3. Oh oh those eyes those your husband scared about all the future boyfriends? hahaha

    1. I overheard him telling her the other day that she would have to wear a muumuu when she got older so the boys wouldn't notice her! haha! :)
