Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We Went On An Adventure

It had been months since we'd been out of the city. Martin was dying for some fresh mountain we decided to go on our first family outing, our first adventure together as a family of three. 

We began our day early at Everdeen's 2 week appointment. Baby girl is growing like a weed and even wore her big girl pants to prove it :) We now have a 7lb 6oz baby...I hope she doesn't grow up too fast. 
We didn't drive far...just to the nearby town of Golden to see Lookout Mountain and Buffalo Bill's grave.  It was still hot, even high up, but we welcomed the fresh air and filled our lungs with the scent of pine. I feel like I've been a little bit stuck inside for the past two weeks.  Martin and I go on our evening walks around a nearby neighborhood, but it just isn't the same as walking along a quiet path or through a peaceful park. Our latest apartment nestles up to a busy street and somehow that doesn't seem suitable for newborn ears.  Needless to say, we all three welcomed our mountain adventure. 
Everdeen slept the entire time, except for an occasional one-eyed peek. She wasn't too interested in being a cowgirl or sitting in a teepee.
We found a quiet picnic area and took some new family pictures.
 And what's an adventure without a few diaper changes?


  1. How in the world do you look so rested?! :) You look beautiful! And your precious little one is too sweet for words.

  2. Good gosh. That daddy sure is in love, isn't he? You are just lovely!

    I'm loving these pictures! I can't imagine what your family albums look like!

    1. Thanks Carrie! He is head over's amazing to watch! :)

  3. what a beautiful family! she is a great combination of you both. :)

    1. Thanks Ashley! I think she is a perfect blend too! :)

  4. The first of many more adventures to come.

  5. such beautiful pictures! I'm glad you are doing so well!

  6. Beautiful adventure...and beautiful family!!

  7. lovely! I'm glad I stumbled into your blog!

