Sunday, December 7, 2014

warm december

This afternoon we went for a long walk to the park. It was such a beautiful day, much too warm to be December.  As I was pushing Everdeen in the swing she said, "Mama? Your hands cold? Put them in your pockets!"  This little girl takes such good care of everyone around her.  She had run the entire way to the park and then insisted that I carry her the entire way back, but I didn't mind because she patted my head and gave me kisses as we watched the sun dip behind the mountains. 


  1. What a wonderful afternoon on a warm winter day.

  2. It's amazing how warm it has been, isn't it? Except for the snow on Sunday (which I kind of hope sticks around until Christmas). Also, Everdeen is getting so big! Sheesh! She is so pretty. :-)
