Saturday, September 5, 2015

31 years

I awoke early to Everdeen crawling into our bed. I rearranged the pillows and blankets so she could snuggle in. I looked over at my snoozing husband. He can literally sleep through anything...but this morning Everdeen whispered (loudly) in his ear, "Wake up!" She didn't want him missing anymore of his birthday.  She immediately began to tell him what was waiting in the birthday bag downstairs for him, so much for surprises with a toddler in the house.
Martin wanted to spend the day in the mountains for his special day so we headed to the Shambhala Mountain Center near Red Feather Lakes. I've always wanted to visit and today was the perfect day. 

It is beautiful there. Calm, quiet, peaceful. The air was cool, such a drastic change from home just an hour away. The hike to the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya is lined with white flags flapping in the wind...Tibetan prayer flags wrapped around the branches of trees and beautiful places for meditation near trickling streams. It really does take your breath away when it appears suddenly in the middle of nowhere. 

When the Stupa came into view Everdeen cried out, "WOW!"  We passed several offerings and the smell of incense filled the mountain air. When we climbed to the top of the stairs we removed our shoes and went inside. A large golden Buddha filled the entire room and the intricate marble floors were cool on our feet.  Everdeen was completely silent as we sat for a few minutes to admire the shrine and take in our surroundings.   
It's hard to believe another year has gone by.  This is our 13th year of celebrating birthdays together! I can still remember celebrating our 18th birthdays in high school like it was yesterday... 
Happiest of Birthdays to my one and only. May this next year be filled with beautiful adventures, new experiences, and lots and lots of love from your two favorite girls. We love you! 

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