Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wash Your Spirit Clean

Martin and I just got back from our little spring break getaway.  We spent a night at Chautauqua Park in Boulder, CO and it was beautiful.  We'd been to the park lots of times before, but had no idea there were little cottages nestled in the back.  If you ever get a chance to visit I highly recommend staying here :) It was nice to only drive for an hour and suddenly feel very far away from the big bustling city.  It was just what we needed. 
Peace and serenity. 

When we got into town yesterday afternoon we went for a hike, which viewed the amazing flatirons. It was the easiest hike I've ever been on, yet I felt like I was climbing Mount Everest.  I was out of breath and my legs were tiring so easily.  This baby girl is making me feel like the most pathetic person ever.  Martin was sweet and waited patiently for me as I slowly trudged behind him...but it's okay because he made the view even nicer. 
My handsome caveman...who needs a gym anyways when you have nature?
Our little cottage was perfect. No t.v., no distractions. We wish we could have stayed for more than one night...maybe we'll come back next year with our little girl.
I loved waking up to the sound of the birds chirping and the sun shining on the hardwood floors. I kept thinking that if we lived in this little cottage we would never leave.  We talk all the time about what our future home will be like...we don't mind it being small or old, we just want to be able to walk outside and be surrounded by nature. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

matching the sky

Today was the last day of school before a much much needed Spring Break.  It was a beautiful spring day to send us off into a week of relaxation.

I am exhausted. I'm more than exhausted. Growing a little human is hard work and all I can say is that teaching kindergarten and being 6 months pregnant isn't for wimps. 

This week I am looking forward to being able to spend some quality time with Martin.  We're going to take a little time for ourselves in one of our favorite cities and I can't wait. Maybe Martin will finally be able to really feel his little girl kick this week.  Her movements are getting much stronger and each time I feel her I am truly amazed that that is our daughter inside of me. 
Colorado is really treating us well with its amazingly warm spring days. I hope that wherever you are, you're able to spend some time outside this weekend...sunshine does wonders for the spirit.

Happy Weekend Friends!  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Life Lately

This weekend I went home to spend some time with my parents. Shopping trips, back scratches, a new hairdo and painted toes were just what I needed.  
Every time I pull into my old neighborhood and see my house I feel relaxed, relieved, and so so happy.  My parents have a beautiful home that nestles up to the lake and I love wandering the sloping hill in the backyard looking for beautiful things to take pictures of. 
It seems like just in the past week new life has begun to poke through the ground. It brings a sense of freshness around us...an excitement that comes along with any new beginning.  I feel like my body is in sync with nature right now.  I'm growing bigger everyday and by summer this baby will be full grown, just like the little plants. 
 This morning I lay in bed extra long watching the sun filter through the lace curtains. I could feel my baby girl really kicking and I was afraid if I moved she would stop.  I still can't feel her from the outside, but those kicks are getting stronger everyday. The other night Martin got into bed with me and read to her. She started to move along with his voice and it made us so incredibly happy.  
I feel like I want those moments to last forever. I can't stop thinking about what she will look like...what my husband and I will look like holding her. There's so much to think about and prepare for.  We've been trying to just take each day as it comes and really enjoy these last few months of just the two of us. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Scenes from the Weekend

We spent the morning at the park. The weather is getting warmer and warmer and it makes me happy.  I watched Martin do his CrossFit workout and loved that when he finished he had the biggest smile ever while at the same time saying, "Oh man, I hope I don't puke!"  He loves that CrossFit. And I love how happy it makes him...and that six pack he's been sporting. I told Martin he's supposed to be gaining sympathy weight along with me, but he didn't seem so keen on the idea...

We walked around the park and I was so glad to be out in the sun feeling warm. Everyone around me keeps feeling sorry for me that I'll be having our baby during one of the hottest months of the year. But honestly, I couldn't be more excited for a summer baby. I'm tired of being trapped inside and I'm ready to stretch my achy legs and get some fresh air. 

Here's to more warm spring weather this week, the start of the last quarter of school (yay!), and a two week count down until spring break :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Can No Longer Tie Your Shoe

I can officially no longer bend over without cutting off my breathing supply.  I can't touch my toes during Yoga time and I can no longer casually bend over to tie the hundreds of shoes I tie daily.  If a student wants their shoe tied they have to lift their foot to my thigh...this requires them to be very flexible and sometimes results in them toppling over backwards.  Then we have giggling fits and all the kids suddenly want me to tie their shoe the way I tied Saul's...apparently falling over backwards on your rear end is all the rage in Kindergarten.
The past week during alphabet aerobics I have found myself seriously out of breath...especially when we do the alphabet like cheerleaders. I feel pitiful. My husband keeps reminding me that in less than twenty weeks I'm going to be going through the biggest workout of my life...
The kids have been very sweet during my pregnancy. They even hurry a little faster to get to lunch because, "Mrs. Wolfe's baby is hungry!!"  When I told them I was having a baby they cheered and clapped wildly. Then one little boy proceeded to tell me that they were going to have to chop off my belly button to get the baby out... 

It's been fun sharing this experience with 27 five year olds, experiencing it through their eyes. As long as no one asks me where the baby actually came from it will be smooth sailing :)