Monday, July 27, 2015

an evening of multiple personalities

This evening, Everdeen came up and asked if we could go for a walk. We usually go out after dinner and after the blazing heat has subsided a bit.  As we were heading down the stairs she said, "Mommy, I want to go in the sling." I was surprised, but I didn't question it for a second! I thought my baby wearing days were over (although being only 24 pounds she could most definitely fit in there for a while longer!)  We walked around the neighborhood...taking the same route we take every day.  She shushes the dogs who bark as we walk by and we see the same friendly neighbors out and about.  I snuggled her close and she called me her baby.  She kissed my shoulder and told me again all about her new spiderman socks.
Our summer days have been filled with so many peaceful and beautiful moments, but also filled with three year old behavior in all its glory.  As soon as we got home from our walk,  I walked into the bathroom and saw she had dumped out all 750 cotton swabs on the floor and was putting them one by one down the floor vent.  I told her she was picking them all up and she sternly told me that I wasn't listening to her listening ears.  Ahhh toddlerhood.  Multiple personalities at its finest :)   


  1. Emmerson's multiple personalities are starting at TWO! Every day is an emotional roller coaster but I sure love this precious time with her. Hope your summer has been wonderful.

  2. Hehe good thing she's so cute!
